Train: EC 281 Metropolitan

Route: Prague - Budapest

Carrier: České dráhy, a.s.

Route and schedule for: Thu, 23 Jan

1. Praha hl.n.15:420
  • Connection to the underground
2. Kolín16:1616:1868
3. Pardubice hl.n.16:3816:40115
4. Brno hl.n.18:1918:22250
  • The train does not wait for any connections.
5. Břeclav18:5218:55314
6. Kúty19:1119:12333
7. Bratislava
8. Nové Zámky20:5721:01499
9. Štúrovo21:2621:29552
10. Szob21:3921:40569
11. Nagymaros-Visegrád21:5021:50579
12. Vác22:0322:04595
13. Budapest-Nyugati22:30632
  • Seat reservation is available
  • Bistro car
  • The train has a carriage with wireless internet connection (Praha hl.n.->Břeclav)
  • AC 230 V outlet is available
  • Car or compartments reserved for passengers with children up to 10 years
  • luggage safekeeping during the transportation with the required reservation for bicycle
  • Suitable for disabled passengers (wheelchairs); the transportation has to be reserved in advance
  • Line Ex3 (Praha hl.n.->Břeclav)
  • Border crossing [CZ/SK]: Kúty š
  • Border crossing [SK/H]: Szob(Gr)

Previous name of this vehicle: EC 281 Metropolitan 1.2

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